no tag for merge was created - go back by date?
Arthur Barrett
2011-09-06 22:07:29 UTC
I was looking at the online manual.  I don't see a merge tag
for the branch around the date of the last merge, March 2011. 
If you are using CVSNT (open source, yes it runs on linux) then a mergepoint (not a tag) is automatically created. Each merge automatically uses the previous merge point (single -j merge).

If you are not using CVSNT, then you'll need to create a retrosepctive tag using the date of the last commit (look at the manual for 'rtag' -D).

You seem to be asking a LOT of very similar questions - have you considered buying a book? I recommend 'All About CVS' which I had a hand in writing, but 'Essential CVS' is good too.


