Batch login query
Arthur Barrett
2010-05-25 22:00:21 UTC
Hi Michael,
if i login to CVS with batch id as "cvslogin"
and i check in file called abc.txt which was last updated by userid
then in cvs it is showing name as "cvslogin" as last updated
i want "userid" to be shown
Is there any way to accomplish this?
If you are using CVSNT 2.8 (CVS Suite 2009) on Windows/Linux then use:

cvs ci -A userid abc.txt

Or on windows - if the file abc.txt has the 'owner' userid then:

cvs ci -a userid abc.txt

In CVSNT a commit has a 'username' as well as a separate 'author name'.

CVSNT is a variation (or branch) of CVS begain in 1998 to implement
features primarily for commercial software developers that were/are not
a part of the CVS project charter.


Arthur Barrett
