ximbiot.com now hosts SPAM. Please fix links on cvs.nongnu.org
Arthur Barrett
2015-07-21 01:01:51 UTC
The main CVS site links to ximbiot.com for some important documents.

I notice that the ximbiot.com is now hosting SPAM, and the domain is no
longer registered to Derek.

Can someone please remove the links to ximbiot.com on
http://cvs.nongnu.org ?

If anyone else on the mailing list maintains a web site that points to
ximbiot.com for reference material, can you please update your links?
I'm sure noone here wants to feed the trolls.

On the 'main' page I see 8 links:
- current events
- CVS Information page
- manual
- commercial support
- wiki
- copyright / resume of Derek Price

I guess the easiest thing would be to re-point them to archive.org, but
a more robust alternative would be to move the 'old' content onto

On the 'project pages' http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/cvs/ I don't
see any links that are immediately obvious, but maybe someone with write
access can go through it in more detail.

If you have a new email address for Derek, maybe you could ask him to
change his savannah profile too?


