About CVS
Nguyen Duc Anh
2011-04-15 00:15:45 UTC
Hi !
I am a student and I are researching the CVS, the list of projects of my
teachers told to use CVS to manage versions of eclipse and I have to study
now it is used more for what purpose, instead of using SVN, I do not know
CVS is used today comes with software, but at the suggestion of my teacher,
then IBM is developing something related to CVS, I very much hope you can
provide information about CVS that I need

Thanks for reading this mail!
Mark D. Baushke
2011-04-27 15:23:57 UTC
Many people, companies, and open source projects still use CVS to manage
their source code base.

CVS was built originally on top of RCS and later extended to use a
client/server model rather than just a local model.

There is good integration between the Eclipse IDE and CVS (it has been
argued that the integration between Eclipse and CVS is better than the
Eclipse and SVN integration), but that is not the only method of using
CVS. It is also not the only source control system integrated with
Eclipse (e.g., ClearCase, Perforce, and Subversion).

A number of the original CVS developers determined to write a
replacement for CVS to avoid some of the problems that folks had
identified over time. My recollection is that CollabNet sponsered the
original work back in 2000 which is how svn was born.

The key idea is to choose the correct source control system for the
project. There are a number of possible alternatives available.

If you want a client/server system which is open source software, then
you will probably end up using either CVS, CVSNT (a fork of CVS), or

There are commercial alternatives available as well if an organization
feels it needs support.

There are a number of distributed revision control software packages as
well (e.g., git, mercurial (aka hg), svk).

-- Mark
Nguyen Duc Anh
2011-04-28 23:51:46 UTC
Thank you very much for the answer, I wish you many good things !