changes on multiple branches (UNCLASSIFIED)
2013-09-18 18:42:39 UTC
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Please consider this situation.

Off of the trunk, I have two branches (lines of development), each one
implementing a separate new features in the source code.

Development team 1 finds a previously undiscovered error on their branch
that existed on the trunk prior the creation of either branch. Will the
following steps correct the error on both branches?

1. Checkout branch 1 into a sandbox
2. Correct the error in the sandbox
3. Tag the repository with a "begin-commit" tag
4. Commit the changes on branch 1
5. Tag the repository with a "end-commit" tag

6. Convert the sandbox over to branch 2 (or checkout branch 2 into another
7. Cvs update -j begin-commit -j end-commit to pull the changes into the
branch 2 sandbox
8. Commit the changes on branch 2

Will cvs know to pull the changes made to branch 1 based on the tags into
the branch 2 sandbox?

Thank you in advance for your assistance,

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Jones, Larry
2013-09-18 21:50:56 UTC
Yes, that should work.

-Larry Jones

-----Original Message-----
From: info-cvs-bounces+lawrence.jones=***@nongnu.org [mailto:info-cvs-bounces+lawrence.jones=***@nongnu.org] On Behalf Of Glasgow, Steven R CIV USARMY TRADOC ANALYSIS CTR (US)
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:43 PM
To: info-***@nongnu.org
Subject: changes on multiple branches (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Please consider this situation.

Off of the trunk, I have two branches (lines of development), each one
implementing a separate new features in the source code.

Development team 1 finds a previously undiscovered error on their branch
that existed on the trunk prior the creation of either branch. Will the
following steps correct the error on both branches?

1. Checkout branch 1 into a sandbox
2. Correct the error in the sandbox
3. Tag the repository with a "begin-commit" tag
4. Commit the changes on branch 1
5. Tag the repository with a "end-commit" tag

6. Convert the sandbox over to branch 2 (or checkout branch 2 into another
7. Cvs update -j begin-commit -j end-commit to pull the changes into the
branch 2 sandbox
8. Commit the changes on branch 2

Will cvs know to pull the changes made to branch 1 based on the tags into
the branch 2 sandbox?

Thank you in advance for your assistance,

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
