sync CVS repository
Acconci Lucia
2010-08-17 09:23:33 UTC
Hi list,
I need to know if there is a tool to align two CVS repository synchronously. The two repositories (v. 1.11.22) are installed on separate servers AIX and is not guaranteed HA of network. Do you have experience on real cases for keeping them aligned?

Thanks in advance.

Lucia Acconci
Arthur Barrett
2010-08-19 07:19:54 UTC
Lucia Acconci,

CVS was designed and implemented over 20 years ago when networks were
much slower and less reliable than they are today, therefore with ANY
modern network (no matter how poor) CVS should run FAST with a SINGLE

Over at the CVSNT (Free/Open Source software and runs on linux etc) we
got so sick of constant requests for 'multi-site' solutions that we did
eventually implement something like this (and we use it to keep our
Sydney and Manchester development teams in sync). This document
explains it and also why it is usually NOT needed:

There are several other solutions, including:
* rsync or unison
* cvsup

If you are interested in a price for CVSNT on AIX please e-mail

I think CVS 1.12 has some proxy ability, but I'm unsure if it's a 'write
through' proxy or would meet your requirements.


Arthur Barrett
-----Original Message-----
org] On Behalf Of Acconci Lucia
Sent: Tuesday, 17 August 2010 7:24 PM
Subject: sync CVS repository
Hi list,
I need to know if there is a tool to align two CVS repository
synchronously. The two repositories (v. 1.11.22) are
installed on separate servers AIX and is not guaranteed HA of
network. Do you have experience on real cases for keeping
them aligned?
Thanks in advance.
Lucia Acconci
Bulgrien, Kevin
2010-08-19 16:30:51 UTC
-----Original Message-----
g] On Behalf Of Acconci Lucia
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 4:24 AM
Subject: sync CVS repository
Hi list,
I need to know if there is a tool to align two CVS repository
synchronously. The two repositories (v. 1.11.22) are
installed on separate servers AIX and is not guaranteed HA of
network. Do you have experience on real cases for keeping
them aligned?
Thanks in advance.
Lucia Acconci
I rsync production CVS repositories routinely, but probably this is not
what you mean by "synchronously". The synchronization schedule is periodic
and not continuous. The "backup server" is not actively used or required
by developers. It serves as a hot-backup system that can be switched to
very quickly in the event of a primary server failure. A conventional backup
plan is maintained for both the primary server and the backup server. In
the 10 years I have with this group, we have not required any more than this.
We have had a couple of hardware failures, but use of RAID disk stores,
prevented a need to switch over to the "backup server". I do not think we
have had to do an emergency swap over more than maybe once or twice.

I have a vague recollection that http://www.pushok.com/ may offer something
along the lines you are requesting, but I have not researched this any time

Kevin R. Bulgrien
Design and Development Engineer

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