Branching from a branch
Wade Williams
2009-07-02 20:36:42 UTC
Hi all:

I've been searching high and low but have not found anything on the
web similar to my situation.

I've got a project whereby we have to integrate into some source code
owned by another organization. That organization uses a CVS
repository. With each production release, they create a branch.
Presumably at some point they merge that branch into HEAD (though I
don't see any tags indicating that).

My question is, if I create a branch off their last production release
branch, is it possible to merge my branch back to HEAD in the future?
If so, should I anticipate any additional challenges as a result of
branching off a branch?

Thanks for any input,

Risman, Mark
2009-07-07 14:38:33 UTC
Branching from a branch wouldn't be different from branching from
anywhere else. However, since you'd be merging back to a point that's
not on the branch that you started from, you should anticipate some
conflicts that you'll have to resolve. The number and size of the
conflicts depends on how different the two sources (in this case, their
production branch and HEAD) are to begin with.

-----Original Message-----
From: info-cvs-bounces+mark.risman=***@nongnu.org
[mailto:info-cvs-bounces+mark.risman=***@nongnu.org] On Behalf Of
Wade Williams
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 4:37 PM
To: info-***@nongnu.org
Subject: Branching from a branch

Hi all:

I've been searching high and low but have not found anything on the
web similar to my situation.

I've got a project whereby we have to integrate into some source code
owned by another organization. That organization uses a CVS
repository. With each production release, they create a branch.
Presumably at some point they merge that branch into HEAD (though I
don't see any tags indicating that).

My question is, if I create a branch off their last production release
branch, is it possible to merge my branch back to HEAD in the future?
If so, should I anticipate any additional challenges as a result of
branching off a branch?

Thanks for any input,



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