Revision number of file
Todd Denniston
2010-04-27 01:05:29 UTC
1) this (bug-cvs) and info-cvs are mailing lists, not an IRC session.
please don't send the same question 4 times in a row, with less than 1 week in between.
some people are asleep while you are awake, those people probably know the answers to your question.

2) clicking reply to a message and changing the subject line, when the two messages have little to
do with one another, is called thread hijacking. please look it up and understand why not to do it.

3) (this one you my not be expected to know initially)
info-cvs is for user help and general CVS questions, like what you asked.
bug-cvs is for messages detailing where CVS does not do what it is supposed to do, actually there
is a bug database for that, but we discuss them here sometimes before/after they go there.
How to get list of all revision numbers of file in CVS ????
Would require this list to check if the filename and revision of file passed
as parameter to CVS is valid, before checking out the file.
Is there a reason you are checking out based on revisions instead of tags? (answers here may provoke
someone to provide a better way)
revisions should only be used by CVS internally, humans and other programs should ignore revisions.

tags (Symbolic revisions) on the other hand, can be applied to files to create a coherent set of
files for things such as:
repeatable builds, i.e., years later build the same thing.
understanding what changed in ALL your files between two released version sets.
checking out only an approved part of the baseline.

do you have a copy of the manual yet?

items I think you need to read:

to answer your direct question (get a list of revision numbers)
cvs log <filename> |grep ^revision
cvs rlog <filename> |grep ^revision
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter