cvs notify setup sending incorrect emails
2012-03-28 18:29:42 UTC
I have set up mail notification using `CVSROOT/notify` and `CVSROOT/
users` files. The operating system is AIX 5.3
What I ahve in `notify` file is a line such as :

ALL mail -S "CVS update notification" %s

So, I am getting email alerts from CVS, but at the same time the email
is incorrect.
It somehow treats -s and "CVS update notification" as "to:" user ids
and sends the mail to :
"-s", "cvs update notification" and then the user represented by %s.
This obviously leads to server side sendmail error as well as null
email subject.
Date: 02/14/2012 03:00 PM
Has anyone faced this issue ? Is there some pointers?
