question on removing tags
Arthur Barrett
2013-06-21 08:29:34 UTC

Tag 'labels' use up extremely little space inside the repo.

I personally recommend they are always left in place (they are historical information).

Eclipse is not the only CVS client that processes these so poorly that it takes additional (unwarranted) time. You may be able to speed up Eclipse by using val_tags

I've thought for a while of adding a feature (to CVSNT, or Eclipse) to 'hide' tags based on some pattern or critieria.


-----Original Message-----
org] On Behalf Of KM
Sent: 31 May 2013 01:37
To: cvs-user-list
Subject: question on removing tags
I have a general question.  I've looked at the manual and
this doesn't seem harmful, but I wanted to ask the experts :-)
We have a build system (created by other CMs before I
arrived), that create a CVS tag of the head for each build
before checking out and compiling etc.  Needed to say after
years there are many/hundreds of tags such as
PROD-VER-YYYYMMDD.  When we go to look for a certain version
in eclipse there are so many I often get memory errors when
trying to search.
Also - there are special tags created for the needed versions
like general availability release versions, and the
integration testing versions that are delivered to the testing team. 
So i want to remove a lot of the old tags using "cvs rtag -d
<old tag name>  module".   Is this OK?  I have deleted a few
and it seems ok.. If I keep cleaning so that many are removed
will it be harmful to the history or the CVS repository.  
Does it take up more space via recording these changes or
anything like that either?  
Thanks as always.  Needless to say - I hope to look into this
build process. 