Merge all local CVS stuff into another remote CVS serverinstallation? Or extract from remote CVS server?
Arthur Barrett
2012-03-20 11:17:55 UTC
How can I tell it the local CVS server to perform all
necessary transfers and management operations?
You can't - there is no operation in CVS to move a repository from one
server to another. This is deliberate. There are some tools that work
around this limitation by sequentially 'checking out' each revision and
'checking it in' to another repository (I know IBM/Rational has a tool
like this to migrate CVS to ClearCase).

CVSNT has some extensions to permit this with 'repository
syncronisation' but it's designed for use when you have multiple
distributed repositories, not to 'move' a project from one server to
another. And again there are strict controls around this -
administrators of the server have to specifically enable this function.

The traditional way is to simply copy all the RCS files from one server
to another.


Arthur Barrett
