cvs remove -> why does not history get deleted?
Rafał Radecki
2011-06-07 09:48:53 UTC
Hi all.

I made "cvs delete" on some files and they are now not in the
repository. But when I make "cvs add the_same_filename_as_before" and
then make "cvs log" all versions of file are shown. I would like to
delete the history also and make a 1.1 version commit. Is that

Rafał Radecki.
Arthur Barrett
2011-06-07 21:18:16 UTC
Post by Rafał Radecki
I made "cvs delete" on some files and they are now not in the
repository. But when I make "cvs add the_same_filename_as_before" and
then make "cvs log" all versions of file are shown. I would like to
delete the history also and make a 1.1 version commit. Is that

CVS is part of a change management solution - it therefore needs to be
able to show you change. Not showing you change would be an absolute
failure of the system and therefore you could just thow it away.

Never ever ever ever pay any attention to the version numbers (eg: 1.1)
- they are not for you to look at - they are an internal number used for
internal purposes (mostly). For your own 'version numbers' use 'cvs


Arthur Barrett
Spiro Trikaliotis
2011-06-08 05:21:06 UTC
Post by Arthur Barrett
Post by Rafał Radecki
I would like to
delete the history also and make a 1.1 version commit. Is that
CVS is part of a change management solution - it therefore needs to be
able to show you change. Not showing you change would be an absolute
failure of the system and therefore you could just thow it away.
I happen to disagree.

If I have a file FILENAME and remove it, it is gone.

If somehow, later, a new file (completely unrelated to the first
version) appears that happens to have the exactly same name FILENAME,
then the user does not expect to see the history of the first file.

Of course, this is different when the new-born FILENAME is related to
the old name. Also, it is still important to be able to see the history
of the old version of FILENAME. In this aspect, you are right.

Having said this: No, CVS does not have the option to do what you (OP)
want to achieve. That's not the way CVS is working.

Best regards,
Spiro R. Trikaliotis http://opencbm.sf.net/
http://www.trikaliotis.net/ http://www.viceteam.org/
Mike Glasspool
2011-06-08 13:02:19 UTC
I'll disagree in principle. The same file name in the same location in CVS should be tracked as the same file. You need to have the ability to revert your deletion or addition of the file, so the history must be present. The system cannot decide for you if it is related to the old one, but realistically, file names and locations should be specified that are descriptive of the file's purpose. If you do this, then the new file must be related to the old one :)



I happen to disagree.

If I have a file FILENAME and remove it, it is gone.

If somehow, later, a new file (completely unrelated to the first
version) appears that happens to have the exactly same name FILENAME, then the user does not expect to see the history of the first file.

Of course, this is different when the new-born FILENAME is related to the old name. Also, it is still important to be able to see the history of the old version of FILENAME. In this aspect, you are right.

Having said this: No, CVS does not have the option to do what you (OP) want to achieve. That's not the way CVS is working.

Best regards,

Spiro R. Trikaliotis http://opencbm.sf.net/
http://www.trikaliotis.net/ http://www.viceteam.org/

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