Retrieve API names whose code has been changed/modified between two tags
2010-05-04 15:40:04 UTC

Do we have any CVS command line options where in we can retrieve API/
function names that have been modified between two given cvs tags.

Thanks in Advance
Srinivasa Murthy
Jim Hyslop
2010-05-05 04:13:54 UTC
Post by Srini
Do we have any CVS command line options where in we can retrieve API/
function names that have been modified between two given cvs tags.
CVS has no concept of "API" or "function names" - or anything other than
"source code" - so I'm afraid the answer is "no."

- --
Jim Hyslop
Dreampossible: Better software. Simply. http://www.dreampossible.ca
Consulting * Mentoring * Training in
C/C++ * OOD * SW Development & Practices * Version Management
Spiro Trikaliotis
2010-05-05 18:59:29 UTC
Post by Jim Hyslop
Post by Srini
Do we have any CVS command line options where in we can retrieve API/
function names that have been modified between two given cvs tags.
CVS has no concept of "API" or "function names" - or anything other than
"source code" - so I'm afraid the answer is "no."
That's right. However, the -p option to "cvs diff" might give a hint. It
will not solve the problem automatically, and it only works for C (and
a little bit for C++ and Java), but at least it gives some hints.

Spiro R. Trikaliotis http://opencbm.sf.net/
http://www.trikaliotis.net/ http://www.viceteam.org/