add/copy remaining directories/files to the current branch
2012-02-20 20:14:52 UTC
I have a question which may be stupid to some of you -
There is a branch created in our CVS (FYI - CVS version server: Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.22 (client/server) in case it matters), with directories xyz/abc and xyz/xx included.   It should have been all of xyz, not just those 2 directories.    Developers have been working on files in these directories for months.  It was a temporary branch that I did not create.  I always branch from the top of (including all of) the xyz directory.
Now i want to make sure that the entire xyz tree is represented in the branch.  (i know when checking out I can use the -f option to see it this way, however our build scripts do different types of check outs and this is not included, and probably should not be included in our commands).
So to the question..... If I want the rest of the xyz tree to be in the branch as it appears in the head how do I do that?  
Do  I use rtag again - only specifying "-r HEAD -b <branch> <explicit directories>"  or something.  Would it be better to make a new branch from the head and copy these changes over since we don't care about merging right now?  (merging back to trunk will come later).
Basically I want to add the other xyz files/directories that are missing from the branch currently, to the branch, without undoing or losing what is already there. 
Sorry if this is dumb.
Arthur Barrett
2012-02-21 13:19:15 UTC
Post by KM
Do  I use rtag again - only specifying "-r HEAD -b <branch>
<explicit directories>"  or something. 
That'll work.

If your developers are using directories/sandboxes they shouldn't - then you need to control your process a bit more. And I'd personally make this the developers problem - they put the code in the wrong spot, get them to fix it.

If work has been committed regularly to the wrong spot (HEAD not BRANCH, or BRANCH not HEAD) for months, then your project manager is doing a poor job of watching the commits - make sure you are getting automatic checkin e-mails at least.

Finally - there is no such thing as a stupid or dumb question - but you can be better informed by spending a few dollars on one of the many many many good CVS books ('Essential CVS' is good, or 'All About CVS' which I had a hand in writing). Then you'll be able to answer questions as well as ask them.


Arthur Barrett
