failed to tag a module
John Zhao
2016-06-29 22:02:27 UTC
I am using (CVS) 1.11.23 (client/server).

When I try to tag files in a module with:

cvs rtag -R v5 myModule

I got this error:

TAGCHECK: 'jozhao' is not authorized to modify restricted tag 'v5'

I am able to tag other modules.

Appreciate any advice,

2016-07-02 05:06:32 UTC
Post by John Zhao
cvs rtag -R v5 myModule
TAGCHECK: 'jozhao' is not authorized to modify restricted tag 'v5'
Your repository (server side) probably has some kind of custom
tag-checking hook configured in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/taginfo. You'll need
to consult the taginfo file, the script it probably references,
and/or the person who set it up for more information.

[Or consider importing the repository into something more modern
like git or svn, and leave CVS in the dustbin of history.]

Matthew Ogilvie [***@mailcan.com]
