updating 3rd party code issues
kunal patel
2010-10-03 07:20:46 UTC

I am trying to update a 3rd party code in CVS and I am running into lot of
issues. Can someone please let me know what am I doing wrong here. I
am using following guide to update my 3rd party code


In this I import the new version of code to cvs using

cvs import -m "Import of Openssl-1.0.0a" ios_openssl/openssl OPENSSL_DIST

Now I use following commands to merge the differences between two versions

cvs checkout -jOSSL_0_9_8g_IOS0_6 -jOSSL_1_0_0a_IOS0_1 ios_openssl

The merge is removing all the files that we added in previous version. These
files did not come with 3rd party code but something I had added.

Am I missing some step here ?


Larry Jones
2010-10-04 14:56:59 UTC
Post by kunal patel
Now I use following commands to merge the differences between two versions
cvs checkout -jOSSL_0_9_8g_IOS0_6 -jOSSL_1_0_0a_IOS0_1 ios_openssl
The merge is removing all the files that we added in previous version. These
files did not come with 3rd party code but something I had added.
That sounds like you added your new files to the vendor branch rather
than to the trunk. Once you've imported vendor source for the first
time, you need to check out the trunk and make your modifications there,
not in the vendor branch; otherwise, CVS can't tell what's your code and
what's vendor code.
Larry Jones

Wow, how existential can you get? -- Hobbes