How to Import code and maintain file's modification time as the time of import ( - d not working)
Deb Comeau (LCL)
2009-08-10 17:11:07 UTC

We are running CVS version 1.11.22 on a Linux machine (cvshost). The
client server is an AIX Unix server.

I have been requested to import all batch source code into a current
repository. The requirement for this code is to maintain the file's
original modification date. I have attempted this using the -d option,
but then I get an error whenever I use the -d option.

ClientServer$>cvs -d cvs:/noa_batch/sql import sql prod_1-0-0-0


CVS Command Aborted ... Using the -d option is not allowed

You will be prompted for the repository to use


This command works fine without the -d, but the dates are imported as
today's date.

Also tried:

ClientServer$>cvs import -d sql prod_1-0-0-0


CVS Command Aborted ... Using the -d option is not allowed

How can I get this code into the repository without modifying the
original timestamps?

If there is a means of using add and maintaining the file's original

Deb Comeau

Loblaw Companies East

1 President's Choice Circle

Brampton, Ontario

L6Y 5S5

(905) 459-2500 ext 6258

1-877-525-4627 ext 6258

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Todd Denniston
2009-08-11 14:59:14 UTC
Post by Deb Comeau (LCL)
We are running CVS version 1.11.22 on a Linux machine (cvshost). The
client server is an AIX Unix server.
I have been requested to import all batch source code into a current
repository. The requirement for this code is to maintain the file's
original modification date. I have attempted this using the -d option,
but then I get an error whenever I use the -d option.
1) on the server 'cvs' has someone ran
cvs -d /noa_batch/sql init
2) on your client you could try
cvs -d cvs:/noa_batch/sql import -d sql prod_1-0-0-0 reltag

first -d: where the repo is
second -d: use date on file
I think A reltag is required.
Post by Deb Comeau (LCL)
ClientServer$>cvs -d cvs:/noa_batch/sql import sql prod_1-0-0-0
CVS Command Aborted ... Using the -d option is not allowed
You will be prompted for the repository to use
This command works fine without the -d, but the dates are imported as
today's date.
ClientServer$>cvs import -d sql prod_1-0-0-0
CVS Command Aborted ... Using the -d option is not allowed
How can I get this code into the repository without modifying the
original timestamps?
If there is a means of using add and maintaining the file's original
Deb Comeau
Loblaw Companies East
1 President's Choice Circle
Brampton, Ontario
L6Y 5S5
(905) 459-2500 ext 6258
1-877-525-4627 ext 6258
This email message is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee. If you received this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should destroy the email message and any attachments or copies, and you are prohibited from retaining, distributing, disclosing or using any information contained. Please inform us of the delivery error by return email. Thank you for your cooperation.
Le présent message électronique est confidentiel et peut être couvert par le secret professionnel. Il est à l'usage exclusif du destinataire. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur ou si vous n'en êtes pas le destinataire prévu, vous devez détruire le message et toute pièce jointe ou copie et vous êtes tenu de ne pas conserver, distribuer, divulguer ni utiliser tout renseignement qu'il contient. Veuillez nous informer de toute erreur d'envoi en répondant à ce message. Merci de votre collaboration
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter
Larry Jones
2009-08-11 15:46:35 UTC
Post by Deb Comeau (LCL)
CVS Command Aborted ... Using the -d option is not allowed
There's no such message in the standard CVS source code -- you must be
using some kind of wrapper or a modified version of CVS.
Larry Jones

The game's called on account of sudden death. -- Calvin