Convert already downloaded code from one user to another
Jai Kumaran V.G.
2010-08-25 08:54:05 UTC
i am using cvs in my projects for long time. I would like to know solution
for below scenario
i have downloaded a codebase with user1 credentials, i want to just to
migrate this existing download code base to user2 with out downloading the
codebase again.
is find and replace best solution or is there any optimal solution for this
? or is there any tools to do this?


Spiro Trikaliotis
2010-08-25 18:34:58 UTC
Post by Jai Kumaran V.G.
i am using cvs in my projects for long time. I would like to know solution
for below scenario
i have downloaded a codebase with user1 credentials, i want to just to
migrate this existing download code base to user2 with out downloading the
codebase again.
is find and replace best solution or is there any optimal solution for this
? or is there any tools to do this?
cvschroot from the cvsutils (http://www.red-bean.com/cvsutils/) can do
exactly this.

Spiro R. Trikaliotis http://opencbm.sf.net/
http://www.trikaliotis.net/ http://www.viceteam.org/
Arthur Barrett
2010-08-25 23:02:17 UTC
Hi Jai,

You didn't write which version you are using.

If you are using the CVSNT client (Unix, Linix, Mac, Windows) then the
easiest solution is not to specify a username at all - the 'current
user' is automatically substituted:

cvs -d :pserver:host:/repo co module


-----Original Message-----
org] On Behalf Of Jai Kumaran V.G.
Sent: Wednesday, 25 August 2010 6:54 PM
Subject: Convert already downloaded code from one user to another
i am using cvs in my projects for long time. I would like to
know solution
for below scenario
i have downloaded a codebase with user1 credentials, i want to just to
migrate this existing download code base to user2 with out
downloading the
codebase again.
is find and replace best solution or is there any optimal
solution for this
? or is there any tools to do this?
Mark D. Baushke
2010-08-31 19:39:55 UTC
Post by Jai Kumaran V.G.
i have downloaded a codebase with user1 credentials, i want to just to
migrate this existing download code base to user2 with out downloading
the codebase again.
If your CVS/Root files mention user1, then you will need to modify your
CVS/Root files using something like the 'newcvsroot.sh' script which
comes with your CVS source distribution.

If there are any files being watched and you have done a 'cvs edit' then
you will likely need to revert those locks as user1 before proceeduing
to adding advisory locks as user2.
Post by Jai Kumaran V.G.
is find and replace best solution or is there any optimal solution for
this ? or is there any tools to do this?
You may use a command-line 'cvs -d $CVSROOT' to over-ride the CVS/Root
entries, or you may choose to use the contrib/newcvsroot.sh which comes
with the CVS source distribution to change the CVS/Root as appropriate
for user2.

You may need to change the underlying file permissions and ownerships to
allow the approprate user2 to have full access to the repository.

-- Mark
