How to get file modification history in file
H Brydon
2010-11-09 16:58:28 UTC
I am an 'old guy', and have used several source control systems for a few
decades. I am now trying to use CVS as a n00b, and am struggling with some
basic concepts. I have RTFM'd and lurked here for a while, but I can't
figure out how to get the modification history for file changes to show up
at the top (or bottom) of a file. The docs are somewhat vague on this, but
I think I see something related to keyword substitution. Could somebody
please explain the strategy on how to do this? Context of *.cpp and *.h
files should get me going.

Todd Denniston
2010-11-10 02:06:53 UTC
Post by H Brydon
I am an 'old guy', and have used several source control systems for a
few decades. I am now trying to use CVS as a n00b, and am struggling
with some basic concepts. I have RTFM'd and lurked here for a while,
but I can't figure out how to get the modification history for file
changes to show up at the top (or bottom) of a file. The docs are
somewhat vague on this, but I think I see something related to keyword
substitution. Could somebody please explain the strategy on how to do
this? Context of *.cpp and *.h files should get me going.
get an appropriate copy of cederqvist-* from ftp.gnu.org such as

I am using a local copy, so you'll need to munge the URLs accordingly, or just read the "Keyword
substitution" section in yours.

"12.5 Problems with the $Log$ keyword. "

"Keyword List" entry "$Log$"
Which contains an example of using the Log keyword in C.

Basically put $Log$ in a commented line (for what ever language you are using) and check it in,
however if you are using the C (/* */) comment markers you need it to be on a line in between those

I will tell you that over the years I have learned the pain of having $Log$ IN my files instead of
just trusting the VC to give me a decent log in a separate file. $Log$ is OK if you are working
alone, or with a very small team that does not do concurrent changes and avoids branches, i.e., it
worked best when we used RCS and it's locking semantics.
I very much have come to appreciate what cvs2cl can do for me.

or the python version of it cvs2cl.py that is included in CVSNT (Which IIRC is included in WinCVS)

Have fun.
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter