Get all CVS comments since last tagged version
2010-03-03 08:19:46 UTC
Hello all,

I wonder if it is possible to collect all CVS committ-comments of the
current HEAD that were added since the last tagged CVS version. That means,
I only want to get all the comments of files that were edited since the last
CVS tagged version, NOT the comments of all files.

Can you help me to achieve the desired result?

Thanks in advance,
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Get-all-CVS-comments-since-last-tagged-version-tp27765410p27765410.html
Sent from the Gnu - Cvs - Info mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Mark D. Baushke
2010-03-04 16:18:59 UTC
Post by Rapthor
I wonder if it is possible to collect all CVS committ-comments of the
current HEAD that were added since the last tagged CVS version. That means,
I only want to get all the comments of files that were edited since the last
CVS tagged version, NOT the comments of all files.
Assumpton: The last tag was 'FROM_TAG' ..

If the command:

cvs log -rFROM_TAG::

is not doing what you expect, then you may have to write something
to do what you want. You may find it useful to look at cvs2cl.pl
The '--delta FROM_TAG:TO_TAG' option might be a starting point.

Good luck,
-- Mark
