How to get Branchlabels and Versionlabels out of a Revision
Knuplesch, Juergen
2009-03-03 08:06:00 UTC

I have a CVS-File and a CVS revision number and want to know the branches this Revision is in. (for release purposes)

e.g. MYPROJECT/de/ggt/myfile.java and the revision

Lets say myfile.java is branched at 1.2 into BranchLabel1 and into BranchLabel2.

I want to know all the names of the branchlabels myfile.java is in.
Additionaly I want to know the versionlabels is tagged with.

I used the log command and the Netbeans Api, but it did not give me the names of the labels.

When I look into Eclipse DIE it shows me all revisions and the names of the labels.
How does this work?
Jürgen Knuplesch
Todd Denniston
2009-03-04 13:42:21 UTC
Post by Knuplesch, Juergen
I have a CVS-File and a CVS revision number and want to know the branches this Revision is in. (for release purposes)
e.g. MYPROJECT/de/ggt/myfile.java and the revision
Lets say myfile.java is branched at 1.2 into BranchLabel1 and into BranchLabel2.
I want to know all the names of the branchlabels myfile.java is in.
Additionaly I want to know the versionlabels is tagged with.
I used the log command and the Netbeans Api, but it did not give me the names of the labels.
When I look into Eclipse DIE it shows me all revisions and the names of the labels.
How does this work?
I don't think it will give you everything you are looking for, at least not
the way you are looking for it, but cvs2cl may get you part of the way there.


If you run it as
`cvs2cl -r -t --branches`
I think it will get you close to what you want.

if you run it as
`cvs2cl -r -t --branches --xml`
you get an xml file that might be easier for you to further parse with your

Note: if you are on windows, I believe CVSNT comes with a cvs2cl.py that does
pretty nearly the same thing.
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter