RC File - manually add branch?
Frank Brenner
2011-03-21 23:10:39 UTC

I administer a CVS repository for a group of developers. Today a developer, who happens to have superuser rights on the server did the following:

1) Checked out a fresh workspace, made changes, created a new branch.
2) Made some more changes, tried to check in, but the check-in was blocked by leftover lock files from an interrupted checkout.
3) Inadvertently deleted the RC files instead of the lock files in one directory.

I have backups of the deleted *,v files for those deleted, and I know that the content was not changed, so the only thing missing is the new branch.

Would it work to just restore those files and manually add the new branch, by inserting the appropriate string at the top of the "symbols" list in each file? Or am I missing something there?

Mark D. Baushke
2011-03-22 06:48:46 UTC
Hi Frank,

I would suggest you add the new branch using the CVS command listing
those few files rather than hacking the RCS file contents directly.

a) restore the deleted RCS ,v files to your repository;
b) checkout the sources at the revision you want to tag;
c) 'cvs tag -b newbranchname list of files to tag' to tag the files.

Good luck,
-- Mark
Frank Brenner
2011-03-22 10:23:40 UTC
Post by Mark D. Baushke
Hi Frank,
I would suggest you add the new branch using the CVS command listing
those few files rather than hacking the RCS file contents directly.
a) restore the deleted RCS ,v files to your repository;
b) checkout the sources at the revision you want to tag;
c) 'cvs tag -b newbranchname list of files to tag' to tag the files.
Good luck,
-- Mark

Many thanks Mark, that did the trick.
